More Than a Number: Back to School Question Cards

shareasimage (17)Our students are measured in countless ways throughout the school year. Doctors measure height and weight. Academic skills are tested. Sticker charts and stop lights measure behavior.  We count pages read and homework assignments completed. We keep track of our sports scores and music practice time afterschool.  Measuring tools are important – but they are not the whole picture of who we are as beloved children of God.

Christians believe that God loves each and every one of us, just as we are. There isn’t a ruler large enough to measure that! But, sometimes in midst of all the measures and numbers, we need a reminder to pay attention to our spiritual identity.

Through God’s endless love and grace, we are inspired to live faithfully in the world. How do we know if we are living faithfully? How do we move beyond all the numbers that label us?  Fruits of the Spirit are one way. Galatians 5:22-23 says  that if we follow the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness and self -control will be evident our lives.

These Question Cards were inspired by a list of ways to ask “how was your day at school?” They will be  passed out to families at our Back to School Sunday in a ruler bag picked up in the dollar section of a large discount store. “A different measure” will be discussed during our children’s time and the sermon. They would also work before testing weeks, finals or anytime the numbers tend to overwhelm kids’ sense of who they are. Here are the instructions we will include:

“Add a few of the enclosed questions to your afterschool “interrogation,” or even better, discussing one or two at dinner.  We pray that these prompts will encourage meaningful conversations about faith in ever day life. May your school year be blessed with learning, faith and love!”

This home activity was developed as part of a seasonal series to extend faith experiences outside of Sunday morning. Families report that these activities like Lent Bags, Advent candles  and  Summer Faith Kits are helping them to practice faith together throughout the week.  Wonderful news! We are continually seeking to develop simple, visible, inexpensive ways to assist families on their faith journeys.

11 thoughts

    1. I love this idea! Would like to give families the question cards but would also like to ask our pastor to do “A Different Measure” Children’s sermon. Did you base this on Galatians 5:22-23? What was the basic premise for the children’s time? Thanks for all your ideas. They have been a tremendous asset to our little church! Cathy


      1. I think a children’s sermon using Galations 5:22-23 would be perfect with this. I’m so glad it is useful for you. Send me a Facebook message or email if I can provide more info.


  1. Here in Australia, we’re having our Back to School service tomorrow as our students start back at school, after the summer holidays, on Monday, here in Queensland. We are using the reading from Colossions 3 about being clothed in compassion, kindness etc so I’ve adapted your question cards to have words from the Colossians reading. Thanks for the great idea.

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